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Installing PostgreSQL on Debian

In today's tutorial we talk about installing PostgreSQL, one of the most advanced open-source relational database systems, on a Debian-based Linux system. PostgreSQL is renowned for its robustness, scalability, and feature set, making it a popular choice for developers and enterprises alike. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up PostgreSQL on your Debian system with ease.

Why PostgreSQL?

Before we dive into the installation process, let's briefly discuss why PostgreSQL stands out in the crowded database market:

  • Extensibility: PostgreSQL allows users to define their own data types and functions, which can be a game-changer for complex data models.
  • ACID Compliance: It adheres to the ACID properties, ensuring reliable transaction processing.
  • Open Source: With a vibrant community, PostgreSQL is continuously improved and is free to use.
  • Performance: It is designed to perform well under heavy loads, making it suitable for large-scale applications.
  • SQL Standards Compliance: PostgreSQL conforms closely to SQL standards, which means it's compatible with a wide range of tools and frameworks.


  • A Debian-based system (e.g., Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint)
  • Sudo privileges or root access
  • Basic knowledge of using the terminal

Step 1: Updating the Package List

Before installing any new software, it's a good practice to update your package list to ensure you have access to the latest versions of packages. Open your terminal and run the following command:

sudo apt update

You should see a list of repositories being updated. This process might take a few moments, depending on the speed of your internet connection and the last time you updated your system.

Step 2: Installing PostgreSQL

With your package list updated, you can now install PostgreSQL using the apt package management tool. Run the following command:

sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib

The postgresql-contrib package contains additional utilities and functionality that are often useful for managing and working with PostgreSQL databases.

Output:: You'll see a series of messages as the packages are downloaded and installed. Upon completion, you should see a message indicating that the installation was successful.

Step 3: Verifying the Installation

To verify that PostgreSQL has been installed correctly, try starting the service and checking its status:

sudo systemctl start postgresql.service
sudo systemctl status postgresql.service

Output:: The status command should show that the service is active and running.

● postgresql.service - PostgreSQL RDBMS
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/postgresql.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (exited) since Wed 2023-04-05 15:00:00 UTC; 12s ago
Process: 1234 ExecStart=/bin/true (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 1234 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Tasks: 0 (limit: 4915)
CGroup: /system.slice/postgresql.service

Step 4: Configuring PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL is now installed, but before you start using it, you might want to configure it to suit your needs. The primary configuration file is postgresql.conf, and the user/role management is handled in pg_hba.conf.

Accessing the PostgreSQL Command Line

To configure PostgreSQL, you'll often use the psql command-line interface. To access it, run:

sudo -u postgres psql

Output:: You should be greeted by the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

psql (13.4 (Debian 13.4-1.pgdg100+1))
Type "help" for help.


Changing the PostgreSQL Password

For security reasons, it's important to change the default password for the postgres user. While in the psql prompt, you can change the password by running:

ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'your_new_password';

Replace 'your_new_password' with a strong password of your choice.

Configuring postgresql.conf

To edit the postgresql.conf file, you can use a text editor like nano:

sudo nano /etc/postgresql/13/main/postgresql.conf

Here, 13 refers to the version of PostgreSQL installed on your system. Make the necessary changes, such as adjusting the listen_addresses to allow remote connections, and then save and close the file.

Configuring pg_hba.conf

Similarly, you can edit the pg_hba.conf file to manage client authentication:

sudo nano /etc/postgresql/13/main/pg_hba.conf

Add or modify the rules as needed to control access to your databases.

Step 5: Restarting PostgreSQL

After making changes to the configuration files, you need to restart the PostgreSQL service for the changes to take effect:

sudo systemctl restart postgresql.service

Step 6: Creating a New Database and User

With PostgreSQL configured, you can now create a new database and user for your applications. Here's how to do it:

  1. Access the psql prompt as the postgres user:
sudo -u postgres psql
  1. Create a new database:
  1. Create a new user:
CREATE USER myuser WITH PASSWORD 'mypassword';
  1. Grant the necessary privileges to the new user:

Output:: You should receive confirmation messages for each successful command.

Step 7: Accessing the New Database

To access the newly created database as the new user, you can exit the current psql session (\q) and reconnect using the new credentials:

psql -d mydatabase -U myuser

You will be prompted to enter the password for myuser.

What to Watch Out For

  • Firewall Settings: Ensure that your firewall allows traffic on the PostgreSQL port (default is 5432).
  • Remote Connections: If you plan to allow remote connections, be cautious and properly secure your PostgreSQL server.
  • Strong Passwords: Always use strong passwords for database users to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Regular Backups: Implement a backup strategy to protect your data.
  • Version Compatibility: When installing extensions or additional tools, ensure they are compatible with your PostgreSQL version.

What we've done

We have now successfully installed PostgreSQL on your Debian system, configured it for basic use, and set up a new database with a dedicated user. This database system is incredibly powerful and can handle a wide range of use cases. Enjoy your journey with PostgreSQL.