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The cd Command

The cd command stands for "change directory." It is used to navigate the filesystem, allowing you to move from one directory to another with ease. Just as you would navigate through folders in a graphical file explorer, the cd command serves as your tool for moving between directories within the terminal.

Understanding how to use cd effectively is crucial because it forms the basis for almost any task you perform on the command line. Whether you're editing files, running scripts, or managing system processes, you'll need to navigate to the correct location in your filesystem first.

Basic Usage of cd

The syntax for the cd command is straightforward:

cd [options] [directory]

To use cd, you simply type it followed by the path to the directory you want to switch to. If you don't specify a directory, cd will take you to your home directory.

Example 1: Changing to a Specific Directory

Suppose you want to change to a directory named Documents located in your home directory. You would use the following command:

cd /home/username/Documents

Or, since the home directory is the default starting point, you can simplify this to:

cd Documents

After executing this command, your current working directory will be /home/username/Documents.

Example 2: Returning to the Home Directory

To return to your home directory from anywhere in the filesystem, simply type:


Or you can use the tilde (~) which is a shorthand for the home directory:

cd ~

Example 3: Moving Up One Directory Level

If you want to move up one level in the directory hierarchy, you can use:

cd ..

The two dots (..) represent the parent directory of your current working directory.

Advanced Usage of cd

Relative vs. Absolute Paths

When using cd, you can specify directories using either relative or absolute paths:

  • Absolute paths start from the root directory (/) and specify the full path to the directory.
  • Relative paths are relative to the current working directory.

For example, if you are in /home/username/Documents and want to move to /home/username/Pictures, you can use the relative path:

cd ../Pictures

Using cd with Options

The cd command can be used with a few options to enhance its functionality:

  • -P: Use the physical directory structure instead of following symbolic links.
  • -L: Follow symbolic links. This is the default behavior.
cd -P /path/to/symlink

This will change the directory to the target of the symbolic link, not to the link itself.


The cd command typically does not produce any output when successful. If the directory change is unsuccessful (e.g., if the directory does not exist), you will see an error message:

bash: cd: Documents: No such file or directory

What to Watch Out For

  • Typing Mistakes: Ensure that you type the directory name correctly. Linux is case-sensitive, so documents and Documents are different directories.
  • Permissions: You need the appropriate permissions to change to a directory. If you don't have execute permissions on a directory, you won't be able to enter it.
  • Symbolic Links: Be mindful of whether you're following symbolic links or not, especially if you're working with complex directory structures or scripts.

As with any command-line tool, the best way to learn is by doing. Open up your terminal and start experimenting with the cd command. With time and practice, you'll find that navigating your system's directories becomes second nature.